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* MacZoop - "the framework for the rest of us"
* ZScroller.cpp -- a window with scrollbars
* © 1996, Graham Cox
#include "ZScroller.h"
#include "ZGrafState.h"
#include "MacZoop.h"
static pascal void ScrollBarZProc( ControlHandle theControl, short partCode );
static pascal void ThumbZProc();
static ControlActionUPP gScrollbarProc = NewControlActionProc( ScrollBarZProc );
static ControlHandle gCurrentScrollbar = NULL;
static ThumbActionUPP gThumbProc = NewThumbActionProc( ThumbZProc );
/*--------------------------------*** CONSTRUCTOR ***---------------------------------*/
ZScroller::ZScroller( ZCommander* aBoss,
const short windID,
const Boolean hasHScroll,
const Boolean hasVScroll )
: ZWindow( aBoss, windID )
classID = CLASS_ZScroller;
theHBar = NULL;
theVBar = NULL;
SetRect( &bounds, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
hScale = 10;
vScale = 10;
hasHBar = hasHScroll;
hasVBar = hasVScroll;
cInitValue = 0;
: ZWindow()
classID = CLASS_ZScroller;
theHBar = NULL;
theVBar = NULL;
SetRect( &bounds, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
hScale = 10;
vScale = 10;
hasHBar = FALSE;
hasVBar = FALSE;
cInitValue = 0;
/*--------------------------------*** INITZWINDOW ***---------------------------------*/
overrides the base ZWindow to initialise the scrollbars as well
void ZScroller::InitZWindow()
ZWindow::InitZWindow(); // do the basic initialisation
MakeScrollbars(); // make the scrollbar controls
// set size to arbitrary small size- first call to SetBounds will set it up.
SetRect( &sizeRect, 120, 90, 120, 90 );
// in case there is special scrollbar positioning, call MoveScrollbars:
/*----------------------------------*** ACTIVATE ***----------------------------------*/
overrides ZWindow to show the scrollbars when the window state changes
void ZScroller::Activate()
if ( hasVBar )
ShowControl( theVBar );
if ( hasHBar )
ShowControl( theHBar );
/*---------------------------------*** DEACTIVATE ***---------------------------------*/
overrides ZWindow to hide the scrollbars when the window state changes
void ZScroller::Deactivate()
if ( hasVBar )
HideControl( theVBar );
if ( hasHBar )
HideControl( theHBar );
/*------------------------------------*** DRAW ***------------------------------------*/
overrides ZWindow to draw the content allowing for the scroll and the scrollbars themselves
void ZScroller::Draw()
// need to set the origin to the scroll position here
SetOrigin( 0, 0 );
ClipRect( &macWindow->portRect );
UpdateControls( macWindow, macWindow->visRgn );
/*----------------------------------*** DRAWGROW ***----------------------------------*/
overrides ZWindow to draw the grow box, allowing for the actual scrollbars present
void ZScroller::DrawGrow()
// overrides the standard method to clip down to the growbox. This prevents
// scrollbar lines being drawn when there are no scrollbars in one dimension
Rect growBoxRect = macWindow->portRect;
if (! hasVBar )
growBoxRect.top = growBoxRect.bottom - kStdScrollbarWidth;
if (! hasHBar )
growBoxRect.left = growBoxRect.right - kStdScrollbarWidth;
ClipRect( &growBoxRect );
DrawGrowIcon( macWindow );
/*------------------------------------*** CLICK ***-----------------------------------*/
overrides ZWindow to handle clicks in the scrollbars and perform the scrolling
void ZScroller::Click( const Point mouse, const short modifiers )
// handle a click in the content and also the scrollbar clicks
short partCode, curValue;
ControlHandle hitCtl;
Point soMouse = mouse;
// did the mouse go down in any part of a control (scrollbar)?
partCode = FindControl( mouse, macWindow, &hitCtl );
if ( partCode == kControlNoPart )
// translate the point to the current scroll offset
// before passing it to ClickContent.
if ( hasHBar )
soMouse.h += GetControlValue( theHBar );
if ( hasVBar )
soMouse.v += GetControlValue( theVBar );
// set origin & clip to visible content area
ClickContent( soMouse, modifiers );
// scrollbar was hit, so track the control
gCurrentScrollbar = hitCtl;
curValue = GetControlValue( hitCtl );
if ( partCode == kControlIndicatorPart )
cInitValue = GetControlValue( hitCtl );
partCode = TrackControl( hitCtl, mouse, (ControlActionUPP) gThumbProc );
partCode = TrackControl( hitCtl, mouse, NULL );
partCode = TrackControl( hitCtl, mouse, gScrollbarProc );
// if the thumb was dragged, figure out where it was dragged to and scroll
// the contents appropriately
if ( partCode == kControlIndicatorPart )
curValue -= GetControlValue( hitCtl );
if ( hitCtl == theHBar )
Scroll( curValue, 0 );
Scroll( 0, curValue );
// after live scrolling, redraw the control so that the thumb hilite is cancelled
ClipRect( &macWindow->portRect );
Draw1Control( hitCtl );
PostScroll( hitCtl );
gCurrentScrollbar = NULL;
/*-----------------------------------*** SETSIZE ***----------------------------------*/
overrides ZWindow to reposition the scrollbars when the window size is changed
void ZScroller::SetSize( const short width, const short height, const Boolean reDraw )
// if the reDraw flag is TRUE, we supress the various updates that would otherwise
// occur since we force the entire contents to reDraw in one go at the end. If reDraw
// is false, the normal updates are generated so that the relevant parts of the
// window are refreshed after the resize.
HideScrollbars( reDraw );
// need to erase the grow icon before sizing
Rect growRect = macWindow->portRect;
growRect.left = growRect.right - kStdScrollbarWidth;
growRect.top = growRect.bottom - kStdScrollbarWidth;
EraseRect( &growRect );
if ( ! reDraw )
InvalRect( &growRect );
ZWindow::SetSize( width, height, !reDraw );
if ( reDraw )
/*------------------------------------*** ZOOM ***------------------------------------*/
overrides ZWindow to reposition the scrollbars when the window is zoomed
void ZScroller::Zoom( const short partCode )
HideScrollbars( FALSE );
ZWindow::Zoom( partCode );
ValidRect( &macWindow->portRect );
/*----------------------------------*** SETBOUNDS ***---------------------------------*/
sets the scrollable area to a certain size. This then recalculates the scrollbar settings
so that that area can be scrolled over. The bounds is the "real" size of a document.
void ZScroller::SetBounds( const Rect& aBounds)
bounds = aBounds;
// by default, set the sizeRect for the window to the bounds
// plus the scrollbar widths, unless size rect is already bigger.
Rect sz = sizeRect;
if ( hasHBar )
sz.bottom = MAX( sz.top, MAX( sz.bottom, ( bounds.bottom - bounds.top ) + kStdScrollbarWidth ));
if ( hasVBar )
sz.right = MAX( sz.left, MAX( sz.right, ( bounds.right - bounds.left ) + kStdScrollbarWidth ));
SetSizeRect( sz );
/*----------------------------------*** SETBOUNDS ***---------------------------------*/
void ZScroller::SetBounds( short top, short left, short bottom, short right )
Rect r;
SetRect( &r, left, top, right, bottom );
SetBounds( r );
/*----------------------------------*** SETBOUNDS ***---------------------------------*/
void ZScroller::SetBounds( Point tl, Point br )
Rect r;
Pt2Rect( tl, br, &r );
SetBounds( r );
/*---------------------------------*** GETBOUNDS ***----------------------------------*/
get the scrollable area
void ZScroller::GetBounds( Rect* aBounds )
*aBounds = bounds;
/*--------------------------*** GETIDEALWINDOWZOOMSIZE ***----------------------------*/
return the optimum ideal size for a zoomed window. By default this is equal to the
max size rectangle, but you can override this if you know better.
void ZScroller::GetIdealWindowZoomSize( Rect* idealSize )
*idealSize = bounds;
if ( EmptyRect( &bounds ))
GetContentRect( idealSize );
idealSize->right += hasVBar? kStdScrollbarWidth : 0;
idealSize->bottom += hasHBar? kStdScrollbarWidth : 0;
/*------------------------------*** SETSCROLLAMOUNT ***-------------------------------*/
sets how many pixels each click on a scroll arrow shifts the content area
void ZScroller::SetScrollAmount( const short hAmount, const short vAmount )
hScale = hAmount;
vScale = vAmount;
/*--------------------------------*** GETPOSITION ***---------------------------------*/
returns the current scroll position of the window- i.e. the "frame" position relative to
the "real" document area (the bounds)
void ZScroller::GetPosition( short* hPosition, short* vPosition )
if ( hasVBar )
*vPosition = GetControlValue( theVBar );
*vPosition = 0;
if ( hasHBar )
*hPosition = GetControlValue( theHBar );
*hPosition = 0;
/*----------------------------------*** SCROLLTO ***----------------------------------*/
moves the content area to the scroll position passed. This immediately redraws the content
void ZScroller::ScrollTo( const short hPosition, const short vPosition )
Rect content;
short fH, fV, pH, pV;
GetPosition( &fH, &fV );
if ( hasHBar && ( GetControlMaximum( theHBar ) > GetControlMinimum( theHBar )))
SetControlValue( theHBar, hPosition );
if ( hasVBar && ( GetControlMaximum( theVBar ) > GetControlMinimum( theVBar )))
SetControlValue( theVBar, vPosition );
GetPosition( &pH, &pV );
Scroll( fH - pH, fV - pV );
GetContentRect( &content );
/*---------------------------------*** AUTOSCROLL ***---------------------------------*/
if the mouse point passed is outside the content rect, the view is scrolled accordingly.
This can be called from within some kind of drag loop if desired.
Boolean ZScroller::AutoScroll( Point mousePt )
Rect cr;
Boolean result = FALSE;
GetContentRect( &cr );
if ( ! PtInRect( mousePt, &cr ))
// mouse moved outside content, so figure out which way and
// scroll it accordingly.
short dH = 0, dV = 0, maxScrollH, maxScrollV, pH, pV;
maxScrollH = hScale * 4;
maxScrollV = vScale * 4;
if ( mousePt.h > cr.right )
dH = MIN( maxScrollH, mousePt.h - cr.right );
if ( mousePt.h < cr.left )
dH = MAX( -maxScrollH, mousePt.h - cr.left );
if ( mousePt.v > cr.bottom )
dV = MIN( maxScrollV, mousePt.v - cr.bottom );
if ( mousePt.v < cr.top )
dV = MAX( -maxScrollV, mousePt.v - cr.top );
GetPosition( &pH, &pV );
ScrollTo( pH + dH, pV + dV );
GetPosition( &dH, &dV );
result = (( dH != pH ) || ( dV != pV ));
return result;
/*-------------------------------*** GETCONTENTRECT ***-------------------------------*/
get the scrollable portion of the window- the bit you can see, less the scrollbars.
void ZScroller::GetContentRect( Rect* aRect )
// returns the scrollable part of the window. The bit without the scrollbars.
*aRect = macWindow->portRect;
if ( hasVBar )
aRect->right -= kStdScrollbarWidth;
if ( hasHBar )
aRect->bottom -= kStdScrollbarWidth;
/*---------------------------*** CALCULATECONTROLPARAMS ***---------------------------*/
sets the scrollbar maximums to correctly scroll the scrollarea. This is called when the
bounds or the window frame area changes.
void ZScroller::CalculateControlParams()
// this sets the maximums of the scrollbar to the difference between the content rect and
// the bounds.
Rect content;
short hMax,vMax;
SetOrigin( 0, 0 );
ClipRect( &macWindow->portRect );
GetContentRect( &content );
hMax = bounds.right - ( content.right - content.left );
vMax = bounds.bottom - ( content.bottom - content.top );
if ( hMax < 0 )
hMax = 0;
if ( vMax < 0 )
vMax = 0;
if ( hasHBar )
SetControlMaximum( theHBar, hMax );
SetControlMinimum( theHBar, bounds.left );
if ( hasVBar )
SetControlMaximum( theVBar, vMax );
SetControlMinimum( theVBar, bounds.top );
/*-------------------------------*** MAKESCROLLBARS ***-------------------------------*/
creates the scrollbars as part of the initialisation
void ZScroller::MakeScrollbars()
// create the scrollbar controls initially. This is done by calling NewControl. We
// figure out the control rects from the window portrect.
Rect barRect;
Rect wPortRect;
wPortRect = macWindow->portRect;
if ( hasHBar )
barRect = wPortRect;
barRect.right -= kStdScrollbarWidth - 1;
barRect.top = barRect.bottom - kStdScrollbarWidth - 1;
barRect.left -= 1;
FailNIL( theHBar = NewControl( macWindow, &barRect, NULL, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, scrollBarProc, (long) this));
SetControlReference( theHBar, (long) this );
if ( hasVBar )
barRect = wPortRect;
barRect.bottom -= kStdScrollbarWidth - 1;
barRect.left = barRect.right - kStdScrollbarWidth - 1;
barRect.top -= 1;
OffsetRect( &barRect, 1, 0 );
FailNIL(theVBar = NewControl( macWindow, &barRect, NULL, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, scrollBarProc, (long) this));
SetControlReference( theVBar, (long) this );
/*-------------------------------*** MOVESCROLLBARS ***-------------------------------*/
moves the scrollbars to the edges of the window. Called when the window frame size changes.
The scrollbars should generally be hidden before this operation. This then reshows them if
the window is active, and recomputes the max values. If the scroll position is forced to
change as a result, this redraws the content in the correct position.
void ZScroller::MoveScrollbars()
// move the scrollbars after the window size has changed. They should be hidden beforehand
// and then shown afterwards. This will only show them if the window is active.
Rect wPortRect;
short w,h,hVal = 0,vVal = 0;
Boolean isActive;
wPortRect = macWindow->portRect;
isActive = IsActive();
if ( hasHBar )
hVal = GetControlValue( theHBar );
w = wPortRect.right - wPortRect.left - kStdScrollbarWidth + 2;
h = kStdScrollbarWidth + 1;
SizeControl( theHBar, w, h );
MoveControl( theHBar, wPortRect.left - 1, wPortRect.bottom - kStdScrollbarWidth );
if ( isActive )
ShowControl( theHBar );
if ( hasVBar )
vVal = GetControlValue( theVBar );
h = wPortRect.bottom - wPortRect.top - kStdScrollbarWidth + 2;
w = kStdScrollbarWidth + 1;
SizeControl(theVBar, w, h );
MoveControl(theVBar, wPortRect.right - kStdScrollbarWidth, wPortRect.top - 1 );
if ( isActive )
ShowControl( theVBar );
CalculateControlParams(); // recompute maximums
if ( hasVBar )
vVal -= GetControlValue( theVBar );
if ( hasHBar )
hVal -= GetControlValue( theHBar );
// if the value of the control changed as a result of altering the maximum, we need to
// ensure that the contents are scrolled to the right place.
if ( hVal || vVal )
GetContentRect( &wPortRect );
EraseRect( &wPortRect );
/*-------------------------------*** HIDESCROLLBARS ***-------------------------------*/
hides the scrollbars prior to performing a resize, etc. If you have a special arrangement
in your window (e.g. an info panel in the scrollbar area) you can override this to get
informed when you need to erase such areas, etc.
void ZScroller::HideScrollbars( Boolean validateArea )
if ( hasVBar )
HideControl( theVBar );
if ( validateArea )
ValidRect(&(*theVBar)->contrlRect );
if ( hasHBar )
HideControl( theHBar );
if ( validateArea )
ValidRect(&(*theHBar)->contrlRect );
/*---------------------------------*** POSTSCROLL ***---------------------------------*/
You can override this if you are interested in getting called after the thumb of a
scrollbar was dragged.
void ZScroller::PostScroll( ControlHandle aCtl )
/*------------------------------------*** SCROLL ***----------------------------------*/
shifts the content by dH and dV, updating the revealed area. This is called by the scroll
bar callback function to implement continous scrolling.
void ZScroller::Scroll( const short dH, const short dV )
// scrolls the content rect. This calls scrollrect to move the majority of the
// pixels, then calls DrawContent to fill in the rest.
RgnHandle updateRgn,saveClip;
Rect content;
short fH,fV;
if ( dH == 0 && dV == 0 )
GetContentRect( &content );
updateRgn = NewRgn();
GetClip( saveClip = NewRgn());
ScrollRect( &content, dH, dV, updateRgn );
// need to set the origin of the view to the new location
// offset the update region to allow for the origin
GetPosition( &fH, &fV );
OffsetRgn( updateRgn, fH, fV );
SetClip( updateRgn );
// draw the update region
// restore the zero origin
SetOrigin( 0, 0 );
SetClip( saveClip );
DisposeRgn( saveClip );
DisposeRgn( updateRgn );
/*-----------------------------*** SETORIGINTOSCROLL ***------------------------------*/
sets the origin of the grafport to the correct scroll position. This is done to ensure
that the contents get drawn in the right place regardless of where they are scrolled to.
void ZScroller::SetOriginToScroll()
Rect content;
short vOrigin;
short hOrigin;
hOrigin = 0;
vOrigin = 0;
if ( hasVBar )
vOrigin = GetControlValue( theVBar );
if ( hasHBar )
hOrigin = GetControlValue( theHBar );
SetOrigin( hOrigin, vOrigin );
GetContentRect( &content );
ClipRect( &content );
/*-------------------------------*** SCROLLHANDLER ***--------------------------------*/
scrollbar callback function actually changes the scrollbar value as scrolling progresses
and scrolls the content accordingly.
void ZScroller::ScrollHandler( const ControlHandle aCtl, const short partCode )
// this actually peforms the scroll of the content rect
short curValue,page;
Boolean hitIsVertical;
Rect content;
RgnHandle saveClip = NewRgn();
curValue = GetControlValue( aCtl );
GetClip( saveClip );
// are we scrolling the horizontal or the vertical bar? Find out by comparing
// the control with one of our data members
hitIsVertical = ( aCtl == theVBar );
// calculate the page amount. This is the height or width of the window less one
// scale amount.
GetContentRect( &content );
if ( hitIsVertical )
page = content.bottom - content.top - vScale;
page = content.right - content.left - hScale;
switch ( partCode )
case kControlUpButtonPart:
SetControlValue( aCtl, GetControlValue(aCtl) - (hitIsVertical? vScale : hScale ));
case kControlDownButtonPart:
SetControlValue( aCtl, GetControlValue(aCtl) + (hitIsVertical? vScale : hScale ));
case kControlPageUpPart:
SetControlValue( aCtl, GetControlValue(aCtl) - page );
case kControlPageDownPart:
SetControlValue( aCtl, GetControlValue(aCtl) + page );
case kControlIndicatorPart:
// called when live scrolling the thumb. Here we need to calculate where the mouse
// is and figure out what the correct control value would be. If the mouse goes outside the
// control too far, the control "springs back" to its previous value, stored in cInitValue.
// we have to keep control here until the mouse is released otherwise the alterations to
// the control value cause problems for the thumb dragging default behaviour if we allow
// control back every time we are called. Yet another annoying toolbox anomaly...
Rect cr, slopR;
long cRange, cVal;
Point curMouse, lastMouse;
GetMouse( &lastMouse );
cr = (*aCtl)->contrlRect;
slopR = cr;
InsetRect( &slopR, -32, -32 );
if ( hitIsVertical )
cr.top += kWidthOfScrollArrow;
cr.bottom -= kWidthOfScrollArrow;
cr.left += kWidthOfScrollArrow;
cr.right -= kWidthOfScrollArrow;
cRange = GetControlMaximum( aCtl ) - GetControlMinimum( aCtl );
while ( StillDown())
GetMouse( &curMouse );
if ( DeltaPoint( curMouse, lastMouse ))
lastMouse = curMouse;
// calculate value based on mouse location
if ( PtInRect( curMouse, &slopR ))
if ( hitIsVertical )
cVal = ((long)( curMouse.v - cr.top ) * cRange ) / (long)( cr.bottom - cr.top );
cVal = ((long)( curMouse.h - cr.left ) * cRange ) / (long)( cr.right - cr.left );
SetControlValue( aCtl, GetControlMinimum( aCtl ) + cVal );
SetControlValue( aCtl, cInitValue ); // "spring" back...
curValue -= GetControlValue( aCtl );
ClipRect( &content );
if ( hitIsVertical )
Scroll( 0, curValue );
Scroll( curValue, 0 );
SetClip( saveClip );
curValue = GetControlValue( aCtl );
// the control manager will attempt to draw the thumb at this point. We'd rather it didn't
// since we've already moved it. Thus we empty the clip region. A hack, but it works...
SetRect( &cr, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
ClipRect( &cr );
if ( partCode != kControlIndicatorPart )
curValue -= GetControlValue( aCtl );
ClipRect( &content );
if ( hitIsVertical )
Scroll( 0, curValue );
Scroll( curValue, 0 );
SetClip( saveClip );
DisposeRgn( saveClip );
/*-------------------------------*** WRITETOSTREAM ***--------------------------------*/
write scroll window data to stream
void ZScroller::WriteToStream( ZStream* aStream )
ZWindow::WriteToStream( aStream );
aStream->WriteChar( hasHBar );
aStream->WriteChar( hasVBar );
aStream->WriteRect( &bounds );
aStream->WriteShort( hScale );
aStream->WriteShort( vScale );
/*------------------------------*** READFROMSTREAM ***--------------------------------*/
read scroll window data from stream
void ZScroller::ReadFromStream( ZStream* aStream )
ZWindow::ReadFromStream( aStream );
aStream->ReadChar((char*) &hasHBar );
aStream->ReadChar((char*) &hasVBar );
aStream->ReadRect( &bounds );
aStream->ReadShort( &hScale );
aStream->ReadShort( &vScale );
#pragma mark -
static pascal void ScrollBarZProc( ControlHandle theControl, short partCode )
// action proc for passing scrolling callbacks back to the object.
ZScroller* aScroller = (ZScroller*) GetControlReference( theControl );
if ( aScroller )
aScroller->ScrollHandler( theControl, partCode );
static pascal void ThumbZProc()
if ( gCurrentScrollbar )
ZScroller* zs = ( ZScroller*) GetControlReference( gCurrentScrollbar );
if ( zs )
zs->ScrollHandler( gCurrentScrollbar, kControlIndicatorPart );